Colour Palette
What can be found in a city? Probably most things we can think of. With this in mind, WUF has created a rich color palette that represents the vast diversity present in cities and urban areas.
In order to give a unique identity to each forum session, while preserving the consistency of the WUF/NUF image, future sessions are invited to select 3 to 5 colors from this color palette.
Primary colors
Primary palette: a broad and optimistic palette. Each color can be used with its different shades.
WUF Deep green
RGB 0 91 61
CMYK 90 38 84 35
HEX #005B3D
WUF Light green
RGB 0 146 107
CMYK 85 19 73 4
HEX #00926B
WUF green
RGB 73 155 81
CMYK 75 16 90 3
HEX #499B51
WUF Blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX #4794EC
WUF Bright blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX 4794EC
WUF Dark purple
RGB 75 75 209
CMYK 79 75 0 0
WUF Purple
RGB 190 157 244
CMYK 28 39 0 0
WUF Magenta
RGB 255 154 200
CMYK 0 51 0 0
RGB 255 45 0
CMYK 0 93 100 0
WUF Deep Rose
RGB 255 104 111
CMYK 0 74 45 0
WUF Orange
RGB 255 127 0
CMYK 0 62 100 0
WUF Yellow
RGB 255 202 46
CMYK 0 20 91 0
WUF Beige
RGB 255 239 204
CMYK 0 4 21 0
WUF Black
RGB 0 0 0
CMYK 100 100 100 100
HEX #000000
WUF White
RGB 255 255 255
CMYK 0 0 0 0
Secondary Colors

The negative space
Being an essential principle of design, the negative space is the space that surrounds an element in a composition. Just as important as the element itself, negative space helps define the boundaries of positive space and brings balance to the composition. White space is important for our brand to keep balance and preserve a clean appearance.