WUF11 Logo
WUF11 logo seeks to pay tribute to Katowice’s transformation and evolution. With a touch of whimsy and bold graphic design, featuring bright, optimistic colours depicting a bright future, the logo is emblematic of our aspirations to achieve the cities we need – inclusive, accessible and sustainable Thuman settlements that leave no one behind.
The logo incorporates some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, including the Spodek Arena: the flying saucer-shaped arena and conference centre that opened in 1971. Soaring above the Spodek is one of Katowice’s other notable landmarks: the monument to the Silesian Insurgents who led three uprisings after the turn of the 20th century that culminated in the integration of Upper Silesia into the newly independent Polish state. In the background are two buildings emblematic of the city’s patronage of culture and music as a UNESCO Creative City: the Silesian Museum and the National Radio Symphony Orchestra building. Since 2015, Katowice has been part of the global Creative Cities Network, a global community of urban municipalities committed to the promotion of economic, social and cultural development.
Dotted with trees, the logo also depicts the city’s commitment to the green economy and sustainability, and investment in open, public space, parks and forests. With more than half of the world’s population living in cities, the future of humanity is undeniably urban and undeniably pluralistic. As we set out on the road to WUF, may the bright WUF11 logo be a beacon to illuminate the possibilities of the resilient, sustainable, equitable cities we need.
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WUF11 Colour Palette
WUF green
RGB 73 155 81
CMYK 75 16 90 3
HEX #499B51
WUF Yellow
RGB 255 202 46
CMYK 0 20 91 0
WUF Magenta
RGB 255 154 200
CMYK 0 51 0 0
WUF Bright blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX 527af2
WUF Blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX #4794EC
WUF Dark purple
RGB 75 75 209
CMYK 79 75 0 0
NOTE the vector file is reserved for the WUF Secretariat, UN-Habitat, and Host Country. If you are not part of the secretariat and you need the vector, please send an e-mail to wuf@un.org explaining how you will use the logo and requesting special access.