Clearance Space

Please Do Not

WUF11 Colour Palette

WUF green
RGB 73 155 81
CMYK 75 16 90 3
HEX #499B51

WUF Yellow
RGB 255 202 46
CMYK 0 20 91 0

WUF Magenta
RGB 255 154 200
CMYK 0 51 0 0

WUF Bright blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX 527af2

WUF Blue
RGB 71 148 236
CMYK 66 36 0 0
HEX #4794EC

WUF Dark purple
RGB 75 75 209
CMYK 79 75 0 0


NOTE the vector file is reserved for the WUF Secretariat, UN-Habitat, and Host Country. If you are not part of the secretariat and you need the vector, please send an e-mail to explaining how you will use the logo and requesting special access.